
Manistee River MGP Remediation

Project Summary

LOCATION: Manistique, Michigan
SCOPE(S) PERFORMED: Dredging, Diver Assisted Dredging, Sediment Management, Capping, Hydrographic Surveying

White Lake Dock & Dredge dredged nearly 30,000 cubic yards of MGP-impacted sediment from a half mile stretch of the Manistee River. Materials were solidified in lined dewatering pits with Portland Cement before disposal at the landfill. White Lake Dock & Dredge also performed several hundred yards of diver assisted hydraulic dredging over an adjacent utility corridor.

This project also involved the underwater removal of hardened ISS materials to restore a bank of the river within the work area. To accomplish this, White Lake Dock & Dredge utilized a rotary grinder attachment on the end of a long reach excavator to precision grind the hardened materials to the intended slope. These tailings were then dredged and disposed of with no need for additional sediment processing.

This project required White Lake Dock & Dredge to work and manage sheen within a narrow channel heavily trafficked by residential pleasure boats and large industrial ships. Operations were coordinated with railroad companies, shipping companies, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the state of Michigan.

Following the completion of dredging operations, White Lake Dock & Dredge installed over 7,000 cubic yards of various sand and aggregate materials along the shores of the navigation channel. Capping was performed by White Lake Dock & Dredge’s SENNEBOGGEN 840 material handler with environmental clamshell bucket, equipped with RTK-GPS and HYPACK’s DREDGEPACK machine control software.

If you’re in need of our services, reach out to our staff. We’d be happy to connect you with one of our senior staff to discuss your project in detail.